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HomeFood Prep Tips


Cooking is one part science, and one part art. When following a recipe, make sure the ingredients you will be using are fresh, clean and safe. If any one of the ingredients is suspect, don't use it. Some of the best dishes were created using substituted ingredients.

Presenting great looking, aromatic and full-flavored food is the ultimate goal for any cook. But the underlying goal is to do all that while making sure the food is safe.

It is during the crucial steps of preparation that you have a great deal of power to prevent foodborne illness.Whether you are getting food ready for cooking or preparing ready-to-eat foods for consumption, there are a few basic rules to follow to ensure food safety:

First, always wash your hands before beginning a new task. Hands must be washed in a separate sink that is reserved for that purpose. Hands should never be washed in a food preparation sink or a sink used for cleaning and sanitizing equipment, dishes and utensils.

Separate Preparation

Keep raw meats, poultry and seafood in separate areas of the kitchen to help prevent cross contamination. Remember that raw meat is full of naturally occurring microorganisms that can be easily transferred to other foods. If the other foods are eaten as is, the microorganisms will be consumed when a person eats the food.

Another way to keep foods separated is to always work with ready-to-eat foods (foods that require no further cooking) first. Then clean and sanitize and move on to the raw meat, poultry and seafood. When you are finished, clean and sanitize again so the kitchen is ready for cooking and serving.

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